Lighthouse of counselling - Specialized therapy for personal growth

Couples Therapy

 Couples Therapy in Milton Keynes – Manage difficulties in relationships

Effectively mend your relationships

All types of relationships go through times of rough turbulence which can make it hard for the partnership to persist in the long run. It requires time and effort to establish a strong bond between partners. Taking measures to repair and maintain a relationship earlier can help to avoid stress, remorse, anxiety, resentment, conflict and other complications from taking hold.

Learn about couples therapy [Couples Counselling in Milton Keynes] with us –

Couples Therapy is a highly effective psychotherapeutic method of counselling that is meant to help couples in discovering their way of recognizing and resolving challenges that are preventing them from enjoying a healthy and satisfying relationship.

These sessions are convened by a clinically licensed therapist who helps the couple gain valuable insight into their relationship utilizing therapeutic intervention.

Re-establish bonds with Couple’s Therapy Sessions

Couples Therapy is also known as marriage counselling and couples counselling. It is a form of family therapy designed to help couples identify the root cause of the conflict they are faced with. Inform them of what action or steps can they take to resolve it.

Couples therapy is only as effective as it depends on the willingness of the couple to resolve their issues and grow their relationship. In many cases, couples therapy is important in strengthening the foundation of a relationship by enabling the couple to rebuild the pillars of trust, consideration and mutual respect.

Advantages of taking couples therapy sessions with Jennifer Surch;

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of the relationship
  • Acquire constructive feedback from an impartial point of view
  • Share emotional thoughts with your partner in a safe environment
  • Achieve clarity over your partner’s perspective
  • Become more self-aware and advance towards personal growth

How can Couples Therapy Help You?

The initial stages of attending couples counselling sessions with Jennifer Surch include asking standard interview questions related to the relationship; their goals and values, their family of origin, cultural inclinations, and so on.

The information gathered at this stage will be beneficial for the counselling process. Jennifer will attempt to intervene in critical moments of conflict between the couple by referring to the couple’s background and history.

This will be followed by the discovery of relevant issues. With the help of my guidance and introspection, the couple will be able to see their roles in the relationship and strive toward fixing any dysfunctional tendencies.

After gaining more insight, the couple will be able to identify causes of distress and begin perceiving their relationship with a clear perspective of each other.

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